I know here in PA it has been super cold lately and we have done a few things to help keep our fur babies warm. So I am sharing with y'all some tips on how to keep your active pups warm!
*Some of these suggestions we have not done yet*
1. Have them wear coats when they are outside. Our girls used to hate wearing coats but they are now used to them and they love them! When they go to work with us we just leave their coats on them all day and they don't mind at all!
2. Boots. Maci and Peyton do not wear boots but I know they should. We ordered them each a set of boots and they did not fit them (like I am talking not even close to fitting them! We measured their paws and according to the chart they were mediums so that's what we bought, but when we got them they looks like xxs!). So now we try to limit how long they are outside.
(their super tiny boots that Brenden could probably wear on his toes! haha)
3. Limit their time outside. Our girls would be outside all day long if they were allowed! When we take them to work they do play outside a lot even when it is snowing but we only let them go out for a few minutes, come back in to warm up for awhile then they can go back outside again. However this last week it has been in the negatives pretty much all day so they stayed home all week long, which caused them to have a lot of energy built up when we got home at night!
**When outside make sure they are not stepping on salt, and if so make sure you wipe their paws off when they come in to prevent them from burning. Also, if you use salt try to get pet safe salt.**
4. Keep them hydrated. Due to your pet trying to keep warm they use more energy and become dehydrated a lot faster!
5. Be cautious if you shave your dog during the winter. Dogs fur keeps them warm during the winter months, if they are shaved down close their skin they will not be able to keep themselves warm. Also when bathing them in winter months make sure they are completely dry before letting them outside.
**When taking your dog on a walk in the snow make sure they have a leash on! Dogs can lose their scent in the snow so if they are not on a leash they can become lost very quickly!
Hope these tips were helpful to keep your pet warm during these cold winter months!
Also, because our dogs are very energetic we play with them inside a lot to burn off some of their energy since they cannot be outside running around as much as they normally do. We buy them new fun and exciting toys so they are not bored inside.
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